Environmentally responsible ITAD solutions.

Independent distributor & reseller of used server components.

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Our Goal

At ITAssetResale, we believe that the best way to recycle is to reuse. Sometimes this means reusing the entire server after wiping the data, and more often it means reusing component parts from the server. It is a lot better for the environment, as it helps reducing production of new assets, and also helps you (and us) gain more value for the assets!

Not every part has reuse value, but we constantly see other e-cyclers scrapping components for pennies that could be resold for a lot more than it's scrap value!

Our goal is to make sure no asset, that can be resold, ends up being scraped!

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About Us

Have some IT Assets that need disposition? We are ready to help you.

IT Asset Resale is an independent distributor & reseller of used server components. We provide our clients with comprehensive value asset recovery solutions that are handled in an environmentally friendly manner. With a focus on the enterprise level client, our capabilities include the domestic needs of our clients.

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The Process

This Is How We Do It

First things first!

Pick Up

The responsible handling of your IT equipments begin from the moment of pick up.
Reuse or Recycle


Based on the asset status, we decide if the assets are going to be re-used, or need to be recycled!


Our global sales network allows used electronics to be successfully remarketed through multiple channels, including wholesale, e-commerce and direct to consumer.

Data Destruction

Based on your IT disposition requirements and the status of the assets, we start to either Wipe the Data or do a complete Physical Destruction.


Assets with resale potential are put through a refurbishment process.
Final Step


Refurbished assets are packed and delivered to their new "happy" owners who would otherwise have to buy new assets! congratulations... you just helped saving the planet.

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